Tag: short story
Night Howl
The room was dark as Jessica opened the laboratory door. The sound of heavy breathing made the darkened room eerie. Just as Jessica stepped into the room, the laboratory lights turned on and made the eerie breathing turned into a howling noise. In the middle of the white laboratory, there was a man bounded into ...Sally: Part Three
“Oh, wow, it is now turning into a category 2. You think we’d need to make sure that the insurance is up to date?” Jeremiah turned to his wife and waited for a response. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere as she continued blankly staring at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Since the last ...Candy Corn Wars- It Has Begun
Tim takes two fingers and smears a line of orange face paint on his left cheek. On his right cheek, he smears a line of white. He straps armor purchased from the superstore in town to his chest. On his knees are protective pads his mom purchased from the local supermarket. Under this gear, Tim ...The Algonquian Pukwudgie
There is a wide variety of cryptids existing in the United States. Mermaids, BigFoot, Melon Heads, and even cat-like creatures. I came across the legend of Delaware’s Pukwudgie, except it isn’t just in Delaware. This myth is all across the Eastern United States and Canada. It is also too good of a story to pass ...Sally: Part Two
Five days before the storm “I think this is the last one I have for you today,” the UPS package handler said as he sat a medium box down next to the door. “Have a nice day.” “Thank you,” Emilee replied. “You too.” Emilee heard some childlike laughter down the block as she carried a ...Guidance
“The fire that burned down our first home wasn’t an accident. Your father died that night trying to save you from a terrorist attack on our capital. You were just a baby, but they knew that there was a power within you.” “The power to change the world around me with a simple thought. The ...Homeward
The world was shrouded darkness, save for a single fire that continued to burn and crackle even as the man fell asleep next to it. The man was alone, except for his dreams. Along the many alleys and crowded streets of his mind, there were people laughing, crying, and living. When he awoke, that lively ...The Gift
Susan hated company parties. Everyone pretending to like everyone and acting happy. People pretending to enjoy each other’s company while exchanging gayly wrapped presents. Plastering fake smiles on their counterfeit faces. Acting like everyone was their best friend. Pretending was not one of Susan’s strong points. If she liked you, she loved you—none of this ...Ostara Rising: Chapter 5
The taste of Cailleach’s potion still lingered on his lips and churned in his stomach. He felt the celestial elements attaching themselves to him on a cellular level. They bound him. Kept him prisoner. He’d sent his legion out to the underworld’s far reaches, but they were trapped right along with him. He stretched his ...Shadowfield Chronicles Part 6: Preparations
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Lux, unlike Shadowfield, is an innovator in technology and magic. Wagons drive on wheels that do not require a horse. Residents carry around small, round mirrors to communicate with each other from far away. A social network exists within ...