Tag: shy
Writers Say…
When spoken wordsBecome your demiseKnowingly express yourselfBy reducing the level ofConfusion withOpen communicationAllow confusionTo becomeConversationWhich guides you toConservationOf thoughts, feelings and emotionsThe process that minimizesWords and createsActionsWith no directionBut leads toA fractionOf the confusionThat comes with totalExpressionOf all your emotions Photo taken by C. Nicole Charles- CreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesHealth & WellnessLifestyle
Behind Books
She sat at her desk, Wondering if life was Worth living beyond the Contents of her mind, Because she found fantasy Kinder then the reality Beyond her bedroom door Where the shouts and hurt Filled the very air She breathed. Drowning in her loneliness, Her friends were the books On her shelves and the birds ...