Tag: writing
Writing Is Not An Island
I always believed that writing was a solitary effort before it went to the publisher, and then you had a whole team once they gave you a check. (I was 6 when I wrote my first story so I apologize for my ignorance.) I never let anyone read my writing outside of school for quite ...The Elf Who Cried Snow Beast
Santa’s elf, Corlie, secretively known as Callous Corlie by others, finished getting ready for work. She stared into the mirror, then swiped her brown hair behind a pointy ear. After blowing a kiss at her reflection in the mirror, she headed to the kitchen. Aromas of coffee permeated throughout the single-story bungalow. Corlie filled a ...Squad X
Somewhere within my head, my mind is screaming at me. It’s telling me to stop drinking, to stop trying to drown my sorrows in alcohol. It reminds me that there’s trash to take to the garbage bin, a mess of beer to clean. But somewhere within this house is the temptation to continue drinking. A six-pack ...Time Slits – A Short Story
There was an assortment of watches on both her wrists. Digital, analog, leather straps, gold straps, and some made of pure silver. Each watch told a different time in a different place, and she admired them, treasured them like one would treasure their own life. She lived in a hall of her own making. A ...Why I Participate In NaNoWriMo Every Year
For writers, any excuse to engage in the craft is welcomed. Everyone has busy lives and sometimes finding the time to write can be difficult. Jobs, family responsibilities, school activities, and countless other unplanned detours can derail planned writing time. Let’s face it: life happens, and many times unpredictable circumstances arise. So why engage in ...- Self-Help & RelationshipsFictionMemoir & AutobiographiesEnvironmentHome & GardenHealth & WellnessCooking, Food & DrinkCultureEntertainmentCreativityParenting & Family
Thanksgiving’s Magical Leaf Pile
Aubree peered out the window and stared at the leaves as they danced in the wind. A robust breeze collected several fallen ones from a small pile situated under a tree. They swirled upward into the air with ease. After a short flight, they made their way back toward the ground, swaying from side-to-side as ... Facing The Throne: Part 1
Priscilla stood before the queen in a lovely dress made of lace and glitter. It’s long, flower-patterned sleeves- the color of a nasty bruise- hid the ugly splotches of blue and black painted violently upon her skin. It’s high neck hid the red marks brazenly scratched into her skin. But nothing hid her red-rimmed eyes ...Adam & Eve – A Flash Fiction
The moon gazed across the horizon, watching them with its lone eye. Stars glittered the night sky, their light falling to the ocean as small waves rolled toward the beach. A sound like thunderous applause erupted when the water clashed with the sand, appreciative of the moment, ill-content with the silence between a boy and ...Hallows Hotel – Part 2
Part 1 Wes, DeeDee, and Jenna stood in silence, staring up toward the hatch door as Vic closed it, trapping them underground. The metal access panel closed with a loud click and echoed off the subterranean walls. Wes’s jaw dropped, Jenna clenched her teeth, and DeeDee’s breaths quickened. They listened with keen ears for possible ...How To Prepare For NaNoWriMo In Less Than A Week
Maybe it isn’t a case of procrastination. Maybe, like countless other writers, your life is busy. November 1st is in less than a week. If you are joining the one month challenge, you may have suddenly realized how close the beginning date is. You may have also realized that you haven’t done one thing to ...