Tag: writing
Cascade Falls – Part Five
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four Trigger warning: graphic sexual content and violence Morning light trickled through leaves and dispersed what was left of the night. Wierna and her guards crouched low, spying on a clearing just ahead of them. Large bushes concealed them from sight. Bandits camped here, their fires low and ...The Box (A Poem)
Do you see the box over there? With its four walls, plus bottom and top Do you question why it is there? Possibly? Probably? Maybe? I have seen the many forms I have taste the many textures Colors galore have met my vision Beating me down until I am weak I’ve stood on the edge ...A Writer’s Ghost
Her nights could be described by gum wrappers and empty Styrofoam cups, strewn across her desk. Next to these was an overflowing trash can, pizza boxes, and empty take out containers. It is possible her nights are best described by the glow of a laptop’s screen and the malfunctioning printer that lay next to it. These ...- MediaParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionHome & GardenHealth & WellnessScience & Technology
An Imagined Future Part 3: The Overview Effect
Author’s Note: Quote by James B Irwin of the Apollo 15 mission Simply put, this is the end. No, dear reader, this isn’t one of those ending that begins something. The thing about humanity is that in living the way they did, they decimated an entire planet. They leeched resources and refused to come together. ... A Little Play On Words
I went to a party and drank some booze. The Halloween shindig had ghosts uttering boos. I saw a black-haired and green-faced witch. Man or woman, I didn’t know which. We were deep within the woods, late at night. I opted to dress like a badass knight. A scary story, a creepy ...Akina Dressed in Grey
The cigarette burned orange as it hung off the corner of her lips. One of the few things illuminating in the dark. Brewing storm clouds concealed stars and the moon. She could feel a rain coming, sooner rather than later. A breeze stirred her blonde locks, whipping them across her face briefly before settling down. ...- EntertainmentCultureCreativityParenting & FamilyMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenCooking, Food & Drink
Ten Things To Do In The Summer To Evoke A Sense Of Halloween
It’s still summertime, but you’re feeling ready for Halloween—or at least you’re looking forward to the arrival of autumn. Fall brings crisp, cooler weather and a vibrant array of colors. It’s a symbol of transformation and a time to reflect. Halloween is a time to let your creative juices flow and to enjoy getting outdoors ... A Long Way Home: The Journey Starts
“I’m short of the others dreams of being golden and on top It’s not what you painted in my head There’s so much there instead of all the colors that I saw” – Imagine Dragons, Dream *** Aleigha stepped from the train, her dark skin glistening with sweat from the summer heat, her palms shook ...Cascade Falls – Part Four
Part One|Part Two|Part Three _____ He stumbled out of the portal and into the depths of a cave, shivering violently, his teeth gnashing together. Frost tipped his hair, melted on his clothes as the warm air greeted him. A clatter of metal on stone reverberated. Startled, he backpedaled, then noticed a distinct gleam on the ...Face In The Mirror (A Poem)
I look in the mirror, and what do I see? But the face of a girl, looking back at me. Big eyes of a hazel~green, A smattering of freckles… from cheek to nose to cheek, proud set of a jaw, and the defining of lush lips. But is there more than that? There has to ...