Tag: writing
The Ghost Of Sadness
The ghost of sadness speaks to me It’s whispers haunting carries dreams A presence felt from dust to dawn Upon my shoulder Built of brawn How can I shake you make you pass Escape your grip be free at last I hear your voice take notice of Your place within Your place above For now ...- MediaMemoir & AutobiographiesEnvironmentScience & TechnologyLifestyleNonfictionCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCulture
Shut Up And Sit Down
Censorship is a hot topic due to recent events. Social media censorship is even more disputed. There is a difference between the freedom of speech, as promised in the First Amendment, and the current actions against President Trump on social media. The First Amendment speaks specifically about protecting people from government censorship. Nothing is said ... The Justice Of Usa – Part 3
For a while, Usa stumbled around the outskirts of town, trying to stay alive in the wilderness. When her days were not spent hunting (using what little she knew), they were spent at the bank of a small stream. There, Usa would stare into her reflection and cringe at what stared back at her. Parts ...The Justice Of Usa – Part 2
Usa stormed out of her house, fury in her veins. It wasn’t until the mage had grabbed her arm, burrowing his thick fingers into her dark skin, that she realized he followed her. Foot traffic in the street stopped as his voice shouted above the noise. “You do not understand, Usa. The king wants you ...Body Canvas
I can’t remember how old I was when I first knew I wanted a tattoo. I also don’t recall anyone who had one. Despite 22-years in the Navy, my father retired without one. He isn’t a fan of them. As a kid, I obsessed over the temporary ones you could get in packs of gum ...- Home & GardenLifestyleCultureNonfictionCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentMemoir & Autobiographies
Seize The Holidays
It’s Thanksgiving week and Christmas is right on its heels. For my family, like many others, this season is about surprises, secrets, and seeing family. However, with increasing restrictions due to spiking COVID-19 numbers, some of our normal plans may have to be postponed. Perhaps you have experienced some of the same. It is disappointing ... The Justice Of Usa – Part 1
When Usa remembers the day when her parents told her she was only good at being pretty. In their country, mages would train anyone found to have the skill in the Art of Anima. Anima is the energy of the universe. In mastering the act of manipulating it, one can change the world around, albeit ...Candy Corn Wars- It Has Begun
Tim takes two fingers and smears a line of orange face paint on his left cheek. On his right cheek, he smears a line of white. He straps armor purchased from the superstore in town to his chest. On his knees are protective pads his mom purchased from the local supermarket. Under this gear, Tim ...NaNo Rituals
As this year’s long march to the 50K mark begins, there are many plots and cups of coffee brewing. Everyone has their own style of writing: Planner, Pantser, or a Plantser. Each person’s approach to making the 1667 word per day quota is as unique as the participating writers. This my tenth year participating in ...Guidance
“The fire that burned down our first home wasn’t an accident. Your father died that night trying to save you from a terrorist attack on our capital. You were just a baby, but they knew that there was a power within you.” “The power to change the world around me with a simple thought. The ...