The New Year
The long road traveled
Brought us many afar
Along the miles ahead
Sewing us together
The long road traveled
Wounded us as we went
Among stumbling stones
Bruising and crushing our souls
For we have strived and toiled
Under the glaring heat of the sun
In the suffocating polluted air
In the murderous hand of man
We have seen the disease of fear
Turn our world upside down
We have witnessed destruction
More than glass and building
We have endured corruption
In man’s heart and mind
We have been to the test
How human we can remain
We have had many a struggle
Inner turmoil in our hearts
If staying safe and healthy
Is worth the exchange of liberty
If it is worth the price of everything
We have worked and earned
From lemonade stands
And treasure stored in our hearts
The long road travelled
Allowed doubt to creep in
To question ourselves
More than grief to settle
But take heart my fellow men
For the road is far from over
As we raise our glass
Ready for the year ahead