The Patient Huntress

Beware the woman who patiently waits
For she is a huntress stalking her prey
Along the web she skillfully creates
Imbued with power that dominates
She has a single message to convey-
Beware the woman who patiently waits
In this sacred hunt, she demonstrates
Why no mere mortal can stand in her way
Along the web she skillfully creates
She carefully picks her associates
Looking for those who willingly obey-
Beware the woman who patiently waits
When gathering up her new teammates
She reminds them to never go astray
Along the web she skillfully creates
When the job is done, she celebrates
Before composing her next great ballet-
Beware the woman who patiently waits
She is an instrument of the fates
And when you think she’s about to give way
Beware the woman who patiently waits
Along the web she skillfully creates