5 Book Series That I Couldn’t Put Down

A good book has always been the best cure for a bad day. It’s the chance to explore worlds I’ve never been to and meet characters that stay with me forever. While I try to give every book a chance to win my heart, I am biased to say the least. These are my top book series that I could (and have) reread a hundred times and never grow bored of:
1. The Harry Potter Series
Arguably, the Harry Potter series will always have a special place in my heart because it was the first real series I ever read. It let me escape into a magical world, where I was a hero alongside Harry and his friends. The series is an inspiring story of love and friendship, even in the darkest of times. Another fair point to make is that the movie adaptations are done fantastically (I’m looking at you, #2). There’s also quite a bit of humor in the books to lift the mood when it gets dark, and the minor characters all have a place. When you finally put down the seventh book, Hogwarts feels like home.
2. The Percy Jackson Series
I don’t think I can talk about this series enough because, seven years later, I’m still in love with it. Every time I read this book (and I’ve reread it a lot), I notice more little jokes, nuances, and references that I didn’t see the last time. I feel like I know the characters and root for them more each time. The stories also serve as a reminder that being a hero is more than saving someone. Another great thing about the Percy Jackson series is the extra content: two (seriously) terrible movie adaptations, graphic novels, supplementary books, and an entire sequel series that I’d highly recommend as well.
3. The Hunger Games Trilogy
Honestly, the best part of The Hunger Games is that the villains are truly villainous. President Snow, all-powerful dictator, would go to any extreme to maintain his power. The entire society of Panem is built on an annual fight to the death between children ages 12-18. However, there’s more to love in this series than graphic violence. It highlights the love between siblings and how far one would go to protect the others. There are tense action sequences that make you want to throw the book against a wall and softer moments when the characters really start to shine.
4. The Guardian of Time Series
This relatively unknown series and I have an interesting relationship. My school library only had the second and third installments of the series, so I didn’t know that it was a trilogy until high school. That being said, the books are written so well that I didn’t need the first book to understand what was going on. The characters are all relatable high school students who are dealing with a conflict that they have no business being in. However, the star of the series is the beautiful mythology that runs at its core. If you can find it on Amazon or in the local library, it’s definitely worth the read. Just make sure to read all three!
5. The Charlotte Holmes Series
Another series gaining popularity, I find the Charlotte Holmes series to be an interesting new take on the classic Sherlock Holmes tale. The main characters, Jamie Watson and Charlotte Holmes, have a phenomenal relationship that progresses realistically. It is certainly not the average YA murder mystery. There are edge-of-your-seat action and nail-biting drama on every page. It’s also a quick read for those with limited time. The true heart of the story is how Jamie and Charlotte embrace their inherited Doyle traits, working to understand themselves and make their own path outside of their name.