Agree To Disagree

I have always enjoyed winter from a distance. I love cocoa, being wrapped up in a blanket, and watching whatever holiday movie my mom had on in the background. My birthday is in February so the snow has always held a special place in my heart. I don’t like my chair in the snow, slipping on ice, or how my joints hurt if I am outside too long. Can I still be a winter baby if I like the accessories of winter, but not the hard parts? I’m not sure. Are you really a fan of something if you overlook major plot points because it makes you upset? I used to think it was perfectly clear if you like something you have to like every single facet of the item in question.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized the world is far more complex. I don’t like the weather in the winter because my cerebral palsy does not respond well to the cold. I can enjoy winter, and still be annoyed with the environment that winter caused. This may seem like a simple concept, but let’s apply this to something that isn’t so clear cut, The United States of America.
I have lived in the United States for my whole life. I haven’t ever been outside of the country, despite my curiosity about other cultures and countries. I hope to have the opportunity to travel around the world one day. This being said, I am happy to a citizen of the United States. I cannot imagine the type of person I would be if I grew up in another country. I have always appreciated that the U.S. welcomed people from other countries. I appreciated that people could get a new start. I liked that we can speak our minds, and we will not be arrested for our opinion.
However, I do not like how when you disagree with our government, you are automatically met with a chorus of, ”If you don’t like it here leave.” I feel as if the ideas of our country are not being followed, and so I need to leave? I think we need to take a look at the ideas of the United States and apply the ideas fairly to everyone who calls this country home. I love the United States, but I do not like the way the U.S. treats its marginalized citizens. I am still a patriot if someone disagrees with me, they can pay for my ticket out of the country.