Hello 2021, Welcome To My 30s

This week started a new year. I think everyone is ready for this particular cycle around the sun to be over. The thing is that this is our new normal for a little while longer at least. The only thing we can do right now is to make the best of a bad situation. This is easier said than done. I have found myself frequently overwhelmed by everything I feel like I should be doing. I could have taken this year to work on one of several different novels floating around in my brain. I could have read several more books. I have made memories with my best friend. I planned a birthday party despite all of my original plans being ruined by COVID-19 restrictions.
I had a successful Christmas despite the fact that my toilet broke twice the week of Christmas. I lived, but why isn’t that enough? Why am I disappointed that I’m still in the same position I was when I graduated?
The truth is I know a lot more about myself than I did a few years ago. I learned that sometimes you just have to take baby steps. It’s okay if it takes a little bit to get where you need to go. I learned that working out helps me. I feel better after a workout. I’m an impatient person, and I’m sometimes angry with my progress. I always tell myself that as long as I’m actively trying to make a situation better than I can’t get frustrated with myself. It’s better than just sitting here and doing nothing right?
This year has taught me that people can surprise you, and those surprises aren’t always positive. I turn 30 in about six weeks. This is not how seven years old me expected her life to go. She expected to be graduated from college with her medical degree and living in a flat in London with her family. Instead, I’m living in an apartment in Chicago with my best friend, a dog who thinks I’m her puppy, and a degree in Creative Writing. I’m happy with my life. I think I just thought by 30 I would be more put together. I didn’t expect to get excited about getting socks, and mugs as Christmas presents. I try to find happiness whenever I can. My timeline isn’t what I thought it would be at all.
I know I’m not going to suddenly age, and my life will end. Some writers don’t even gain notoriety until they are older. It may seem like I’ve watched It’s A Wonderful Life too many times this Christmas season. The important thing to remember is that not everyone will be billionaires. Your life matters to someone, even if you aren’t famous.
All I have to say is it’s a classic for a reason. I hope your New Year is going well, and if it’s not hopefully tomorrow will be better. We can get through this together.