Angel Of Heart
Bewildered at life
I look at myself
When shall I cross
This moment despair
Hate fills my body
Wretched design
No fuel to continue
Empty on air
This passage I ponder
Shall it bring light?
Or darkness of mind
Hollow I drift
My conscious betrays me
Ode to the night
For glory I’m sure
Will bring my last wish
An angel approaches
States for the record
My name to me thrice
Ensuring it’s I
This path that I seek
Will you acknowledge
Take heed of my movement
No longer to hide
Softly but stern
I hear the real message
It’s humbleness speak
Direct without candor
My child I’ve waited
This moment to come
I’ve watched every step
Viewed it with granduer
This trial of greatness
You’ve lost many battles
Succumb to false prophets
Yet you describe
One among many
Alert to the notion
That money will lead
The mind to deny
Treasure your family
Let no one inscribe
A life without you
For you will not part
Away from this moment
Away from this world
Yes son it’s an honor
To bleed your new heart
Image by Phillip Black from Pixabay