Author: Calpernia Charles
The Journey
I stand here with the hands of my mother and grandmother resting firmly on my shoulders – for they are my guide Strong, ...I Am My Sistah
I am my sistah and she is me I am African Caribbean Latin American BLACKI am she and she is me.Soul Soothers
Some conversations are meant to be secured secrets they sing to the soul and bring a mysterious smile to your face every time you ...My Cherry Chocolate Kisses
Cherry Chocolate kisses that leave you longing for more, as I slowly move away allowing my eyes to drift from your lips to your eyesGlimpse Of You
A swift glimpse ofyour exquisite facemakes myheart race Eyes placed slightlyon your splendorand I calmlydrink you in Your smileallows my heartto beat with vigor ...Writers Say…
When spoken wordsBecome your demiseKnowingly express yourselfBy reducing the level ofConfusion withOpen communicationAllow confusionTo becomeConversationWhich guides you toConservationOf thoughts, feelings and emotionsThe process that ...- Design, Fashion & StyleMediaSelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesLifestyleCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCulture
Composed Rumbles
There is a storm brewingthe air is thick with tensionas silence muffles thedisquiet of a taxed nation a communityin waitinglike a storm brewingon the ... This Broken Heart Still Beats
Trust blessed mewith unbearable lonelinessas you loved awaymy self-esteemreplacing it with fear and doubt Your love gifted mewith shattered confidenceplacing no valueon my presenceshowing ...Empty Vessel
My heart weeps silently for the child I once carried My mind paralyzed with fear of a reoccurrence but my ...