Author: Jessi Hoff
In Deep Water: Chapter 16
Salty air nibbles my cheeks as I step onto the Lido Deck, the sky moving in turbulent waves above my head. Xander and I ...In Deep Water: Chapter 15
One summer when Sophie and I were twelve, we were playing in the field outside her house when a bolt of lightning crashed across ...In Deep Water: Chapter 14
The Livyatan, according to Sophie, is an extinct whale that lived nine million years ago. It is said to have been similar in size ...In Deep Water: Chapter 13
“Is that what I think it is?” I lean forward in my chair, squinting at the computer screen. A sharp object protrudes from a ...In Deep Water: Chapter 12
“Is this everything?” Xander sorts through the different memory banks set out on the computer lab’s table. Nathan nods, popping a disk into his ...In Deep Water: Chapter 11
“What do you mean, we’re in the past?” Xander’s brows form a deep V between his ice-blue eyes as he stares at the CELNAV ...In Deep Water: Chapter 10
“I don’t think I’ll ever get that image out of my head.” I sit in the Hangar control room with a blanket wrapped tightly ...In Deep Water: Chapter 9
“I’m telling you, we’ve been up and down this section three times. There’s nothing down here but coral and fish,” a frustrated voice explains ...In Deep Water: Chapter 8
“Emily!” Sophie screams in the dark. I scramble off the floor as vertigo races through me, feeling my way back onto the couch. “I’m ...In Deep Water: Chapter 7
“It can’t be,” Sophie whispers for the seventh time, eyes glued to the computer screen on the desk in front of us. “Y’all are ...