In Deep Water: Chapter 7

- In Deep Water: Chapter 1
- In Deep Water: Chapter 2
- In Deep Water: Chapter 3
- In Deep Water: Chapter 4
- In Deep Water: Chapter 5
- In Deep Water: Chapter 6
- In Deep Water: Chapter 7
- In Deep Water: Chapter 8
- In Deep Water: Chapter 9
- In Deep Water: Chapter 10
- In Deep Water: Chapter 11
- In Deep Water: Chapter 12
- In Deep Water: Chapter 13
- In Deep Water: Chapter 14
“It can’t be,” Sophie whispers for the seventh time, eyes glued to the computer screen on the desk in front of us.
“Y’all are seeing this, right?” Nathan runs a hand down his face. “It’s not just me?”
Xander blows out a breath, his broad shoulders connecting with the back of his chair with an audible thump. “Yeah, man. It’s not just you.”
“I don’t understand.” I frown at the black letters reading “The Griffin” on the side of the ship laying twenty thousand feet at the bottom of the Puerto Rico Trench.
“Is it possible that it’s a coincidence?” Sophie looks to Xander, worry etched into her features.
“All ships are required, by law, to register by state or country.” He shrugs a shoulder. “When I registered, ours was the first Griffin.”
An alert pops up on the monitor, distorting the footage of the wreck. Nathan taps some keys and frowns. “Appears to be a storm heading our way.”
“How long?” Xander glances at the clock on the wall.
Sophie gasps. “Oh, my god. What if we go down in the storm?”
Nathan and Xander glare at her. I place a hand on her arm. “Deep breaths, Soph. Let’s not overthink this, okay?”
Sophie nods. “Okay. Thanks, Em.”
“Welcome.” I smile.
“Shows it’ll hit us in about twenty-five minutes,” Nathan assesses.
Xander’s jaw drops. “What kind of notice is that?”
Nathan scans the report. “Guess it’s a pop-up.”
“Lovely.” Xander grabs his phone. “I’ll check in with the captain.”
“What do we do?” Sophie questions no one in particular.
Xander stands, pocketing his phone. “Captain wants everyone to return to their quarters until further notice. It might get a little choppy.”
“What about you?” I get up.
“I gotta go down to the Hangar and make sure everything’s secured.” Xander leans in and kisses my head. “I’ll text you when I’m done.”
“Ok, be safe,” I call.
Sophie drags me to the elevator. “Alright, love birds. Break it up.”
Xander winks at me before the doors slide closed.
I glance at Sophie, her gaze already on me. “Did you see that?”
“The forehead kiss?” She grins. “It’s about damn time!”
I giggle. “It’s only been a week.”
“Only?” She snorts. “That’s forever. You guys should be getting it-”
“Don’t even finish that thought!” I interrupt. “Some of us like taking it slow.”
She rolls her eyes and steps off the elevator. “Yeah, yeah. Prude.”
I scoff and swat her arm as we make our way to our room, the halls bustling with crewmembers and passengers moving through the corridor. “I am not a prude,” I whisper.
She smirks as we enter our room. “I know. I like teasing you.”
The space is dark for five o’clock in the afternoon. Angry drops of water tap against the window. Sophie flicks a switch, sending a soft light across the room.
I groan as I slump into my bed. “You love to torture me.”
“What are friends for?” She grabs the tv remote off the coffee table and settles onto the sofa.
I prop myself on an elbow. A flash of lightning cracks across the sky, and a clap of thunder rumbles outside. “I hope this storm doesn’t get bad.”
“Me too.” She flicks through channels, her knee bouncing.
I purse my lips. Grabbing my comforter, I go to sit beside her on the couch. “You doing ok?”
Sophie glances at me. “Been a lot today.”
“I get it. I’m still reeling from the shipwreck.” I steady myself as a wave crashes against our window, rocking the ship.
Sophie makes a sound in her throat, her focus on me. “That stumps me.”
“I mean, it has many similarities to us.” I chew my bottom lip. “But it’s been down there a hot minute.”
Sophie’s brows draw together. “Could it be some kind of prank?”
“It’s too elaborate to be a prank, Soph.”
She grimaces. “Perhaps its records got lost in time?”
“Could be.” I tuck my feet under me. Seeing the Griffin’s name on the wreck is akin to seeing one’s name on a gravestone.
Sophie continues, “Or it’s an illegal ship. Pirates, even.”
I jump as another roar of thunder echoes above. A wave crashes against the boat, knocking us off the sofa.
Sophie yelps. “It’s a good thing they bolt the furniture to the floor, or we’d be crushed right now.”
“You’re telling me.” I recline onto the couch, sharing my comforter with Sophie this time.
I lace our fingers. “How about some Indiana Jones?”
She grins. “Aren’t you sick of him?”
“Maybe, but he’ll cheer you up.” I squeeze her hand.
She searches the first movie and hits play. Another crash of water has us scrambling to stay on the couch.
“I hate to say it, but it sounds like it’s getting worse outside,” I murmur.
Sophie’s round eyes meet mine. “I agree.”
“I hope this is over soon.” Settling into my seat, Sophie and I clinging onto each other.
Sophie pulls the blanket to her chest. “Xander message you, yet?”
I check my phone. “No. I’m sure they’re fighting these waves.”
“Yeah, probably. It hit us fast.” She nods.
A blinding white light envelopes all other senses and the room is plunged into complete darkness. The following silence is deafening.
“What the hell was that?” I start.
Thunder vibrates through my bones and Sophie screams.
Editor: Shannon Hensley