Author: Sarah Sweeney
A Glimpse Into AmeriCorps: How Serving Can Change Lives
Sitting in my apartment one chilly February day, I did not quite know what I was looking for, but I knew I needed a ...- Parenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsHealth & WellnessMemoir & AutobiographiesTravelCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCulture
Pushing Forward With A Purpose
The Trials And Triumphs Of Navigating Employment With A Disability From a young age, children are often asked one common question: what would you ... Finding A ‘Fit
I have always wanted to be active and fit in with my peers. From a young age, my mother planted that seed by signing ...Social Media Sounds Off In Response To Dr. Phil Episode About Interabled Relationships
Dr. Phil caused controversy due to an episode of the Doctor Phil Show. It took me some time to articulate my thoughts regarding the ...Review Of ‘Same Kind Of Different As Me’
I recently read the memoir, Same Kind of Different as Me (2006) by and Ron Hall and Denver Moore. This book illustrates the different life ...Forgiveness Day: You Need Learn To Forgive Yourself Before You Can Forgive Anyone Else
Forgiveness Day is observed on June 26th each year. Typically, forgiveness is thought to be an action that you give to someone else — ...- CultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsLifestyleHealth & WellnessUncategorizedCurrent Affairs & Politics
Marriage Equality Does Not Include Everyone
For me, getting married is something I have always dreamed about. Having a disability has nothing to do with lessening my desire to become ... Are You Living Your Dash?
I think about my loved ones who have passed very often, but there different times throughout the year that I do a great deal ...Taming The Lion Of Anxiety And Depression
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and as someone who has dealt with anxiety, and depression on and off for most of my life. ...The More You Know: A Brief Look Into Personal Care Attendant Services And Medicaid Waivers
From a young age, I began receiving personal care attendant services. A Personal Care Attendant (which can also be referred to as a Personal ...