Author: Stephanie Wyatt
Money Isn’t Your Life
This week I learned an important lesson. Most companies will not care if you quit. I wasn’t under the impression they would, but I ...Will You Accept This Submission?
I’m the type of person who hates failing. The idea of getting behind, or not turning in good quality work makes me anxious. I’ve ...Treat Yourself
Writing is always portrayed as this magical process where you sit in front of a screen long enough and eventually your brilliance will spill ...Work Can Wait
Books have always gotten me through tough times. I would sit on my bed and travel to magical lands when I wasn’t able to ...- EnvironmentLifestyleNonfictionHistoryParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
A Safe Return
The concept of comfort characters has always intrigued me. My definition of a comfort character is a particular character that can instantly make you ... Hello Old Friend
I have always read books. The only time I remembered not enjoying reading was when I first learned how to read. I would memorize ...Adulthood: Childhood In Disguise
We spend the majority of our formative years waiting to grow up. Then we grow up enough to be able to do everything we ...- Self-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesEnvironmentEntertainmentLifestyleNonfictionCultureRomanceCreativityParenting & Family
Love In Quarantine
I have been thinking a lot about the fact that a lot of people hate Valentine’s Day. I know being single on Valentine’s Day ... Hallmark’s Surprise Substance
I have a horrible confession to make. I watch Hallmark movies when I need to have noise in the background. I know I could ...Your Personal New Year
This year has not started as I imagined at all. I expected there might be another mandatory quarantine because of people wanting to celebrate ...