Treat Yourself
Writing is always portrayed as this magical process where you sit in front of a screen long enough and eventually your brilliance will spill out on the page. Sometimes this is true, and it’s like you have a personal movie theater in your head. Then other days it’s a struggle to get to the end of a sentence. I’m having that type of week. The unfortunate thing is I have writing to do this week.
I tell myself to just write one word after the other. I promise myself something I love when I’m done.
The other day after I spent 10 hours writing, my fingers were sore and I could barely stretch them. I went straight to bed and curled into my blankets. The next day I could not focus because I was so overwhelmed.
Sometimes giving yourself a present at the end of a long week. The reward doesn’t have to be anything big. You can buy yourself your favorite carton of ice cream. Watch your favorite movie, or read your favorite book. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel. I bought myself something on Amazon. I told myself I will work until my package is delivered to my apartment.
I may be overwhelmed now, but if I just keep working I’ll get a break. Life can be a little overwhelming at times especially now. It seems like when the world takes one step forward, we’re right back where we started a few hours later. It can be a lot to deal with the weight of the world. We are only one person. We need to take a breather sometimes.
However, The world doesn’t always allow for us to take those breathers. Use the breather as a reward to keep yourself focused. Ask your friends to hold you accountable. Then you can take your breather, and be fresh for the next week.
Photo by AnnaliseArt courtesy of Pixabay