Historical Fiction
Jane’s Chance Encounter
The carriage comes to a stop along the busy road, and I can see crowds of people through the window. I lift the curtain ...Lizzy’s Midnight Musings
Gentle breathing fills the room, with Jane already falling asleep a few hours ago. I, on the other hand am so restless that sleeping ...Jane Returns
I sit on the divan next to the picture window and stare down the front gravel drive. I’m not quite sure why I continue ...Until Forever, Part One
It happened again, like many times. The sheer euphoria of being beside her, the moonlight cascading her bare skin. Her angelic face with a ...The Owl and the Maiden
The night Onacona was born, her father saw a white owl in flight, so it became her name. Some Native American tribes regarded owls ...Between Two Worlds: Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 “Lachesis has a lot of explaining to do,” the dark-haired woman muttered to herself as she stormed the familiar ...Between Two Worlds: Part 2
Part 1 Who was she? He stared at the Levite’s fortifications around their mud-brick buildings. Cast out by yet another conqueror, they now prospered ...- HistoryRomanceCreativityFantasySelf-Help & RelationshipsMysteryFictionEntertainmentHistorical FictionTravelLifestyleCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCulture
Between Two Worlds: Part 1
She’d always existed. She wandered the streets of the city. Men atop carts preached of a time when only light existed, but she remembered ... - EntertainmentLifestyleCurrent Affairs & PoliticsHistorical FictionCultureCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFiction
The Borgia’s Ascendancy
Chapter One I was once a young man riding the long train of my uncle, Pope Calixtus III. I began a career within ... - EnvironmentCreativityHistorical FictionParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionEntertainment
Summoning Ripper
Chapter One Jack the Ripper became the name I am remembered by, however; my Christian name was Albert. Named for our matronly Queen Victoria’s ...