The Finish Line
About two-and-a-half years ago, she bought a treadmill. It was an impulse buy after two kids at the mall had made a rude comment ...Hobo Willie, Part 4
Tobias woke the next morning as the sun started to light the sky. The men packed up camp and hopped the first westbound train. ...Stranger to You Part 2
Part 1 It was getting late. I decided to just stay in this car with him. I instantly forgot what I needed to do today. ...Your Heart Is A Love Poem
Your heart is a love poem. He said effortlessly. My heart quivers in a beautiful and pure truth; that is us and you. A ...Worth – A Short Story
I sit on my bed, shirtless and sweating and trying to ignore the pain that floods my legs. Grey smoke curls from my cigarette ...Hobo Willie, Part 3
“Well! Sounds like yer in a right big mess there, Wilburn,” Tobias said to him. The men looked at each other and nodded to ...- CreativitySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesEntertainmentLifestyleCulture
Running Horses
My mare was running. Leading the herd towards me Like life could not wait Yet, they live in the moment I forget the pain ... The Elf Who Cried Snow Beast
Santa’s elf, Corlie, secretively known as Callous Corlie by others, finished getting ready for work. She stared into the mirror, then swiped her brown ...