Hobo Willie, Part 1
The leaves rustled in the cold January breeze just off the railroad tracks as Wilburn stood beside his brothers. The three boys lined up ...Star Wars: Dawning of the Grey – Part One
Disclaimer: The Star Wars universe and its characters belongs to the Walt Disney Company and Lucasfilm. The following is a fanfiction residing in that ...Spied: Part 2
Who has been watching me from this home? This had me wondering as I looked all over the house. The rooms were empty as ...- CultureScience & TechnologyCreativityEntertainmentSelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionMemoir & Autobiographies
Writing Butterflies
My creative writing teachers in college always used to say there was no such thing as writer’s block. They said as long as you ... Hallows Hotel – Part 1
Jenna and Deedee stood in front of the aged castle-like hotel, looking upward toward the turrets. The building dated back to the 1800s and ...A Dark the Sun Loved – Part One
Mila carried a baby in her arms. The street on which she limped down shrouded in the pitch of night. A cold breeze blew ...A Little Wickedness
How many people would have green skin if envy was shown on the outside? I was watching an old episode of ABC’s “Once Upon ...A Tale of Two Sisters: Chapter II
Part I can be found here. I woke up back in my bedroom with the starlight streaming on my face. I used two fingers ...