Complacency Interferes With God’s Purpose
Complacency leads to dissatisfaction. It agitates the giant inside us causing us to crave a better quality of life. Take yearly resolutions for example. The first few weeks focus on energy, drive, and determination. With the giant, we self-motivate, keep going, doing, and strive to build our ambitions. Working with the giant generates new ideas, and strategies. Plans formulate. Some of us write visions in journals or post pictures of goals on dream boards. The giant inside elevates our thinking to higher hopes of destiny.
When we don’t see the changes we expect to see, we pull back on the reigns of good intentions. We quit working with the giant to go further when results appear unchanged. Self-perception of unchanged cycles cause many believers and non-believers to fall into depression. We comfort ourselves with food, alcohol, and/or social media. We hear church leaders and televangelists preach yet. Many Christians are quick to dismiss the Spirit of the Gospel truth. Complacency and dissatisfaction feel normal when the internal giant stands still.
Negative perceptions of visual impressions cause the giant to pause. Motivation stops, pressing forward stops, doing and striving to excel stops — complacency and dissatisfaction return hindering our progress. Therefore, walking by faith and not by sight is crucial for believers.
Jesus explains the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:29-30. The Amplified Bible reads like this: “For to everyone who has [and values his blessings and gifts from God, and has used them wisely], more will be given, and [he will be richly supplied so that] he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have [because he has ignored or disregarded his blessings and gifts from God], even what he does have will be taken away. 30 And throw out the worthless servant into the outer darkness; in that place [of grief and torment] there will be weeping [over sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [over distress and anger].”
People aren’t born to settle into a life of complacency and dissatisfaction. Living this way contradicts God’s purpose and will. Destiny calls because it waits for your arrival. Destiny calls so you can hear it, follow its voice, and find it. God placed your destiny inside of you for you to excel. He expects us to be like Him which is why He made us in His image and likeness.
Many believers find complacency and dissatisfaction comfortable. They find satisfaction ignoring the call to fulfill their God-given destiny. Wasn’t Jesus’ suffering on the Cross enough? Should we expect God to pick us up, transport us to destiny, and place us there with no effort on our part? If you think God will do that, don’t blame Satan. This time, you are the one deceiving yourself.
The Bible instructs “with God, nothing shall be impossible.” And while all things are possible with God, the “with God” portion of the passage is the key to life success. “With God,” literally means and requires our cooperation, a partnership, working prayerfully by faith in unison with God’s word. When we apply the power of the Bible with prayer in faith, our actions become now reaching, now believing, now working, now achieving, now succeeding.
What is it about a new year that gives you a strong desire to work with the giant inside of you? Why do you stop cooperating? Where does your faith go when results appear unchanged?
The Holy Spirit is the giant inside of us. He will elevate us as high as we effort to climb in God’s purpose.