
What is sweeter than milk and honey when your lips are parched of water?
Your soul’s shine and the simplicity of your genuine heart’s beauty.
Your love is subtle but keeps me in a state of breathless awe.
I am not capable enough of consuming all the love you possess for us.
But I’d like to devote the rest of my days on this earth trying.
What is sweeter than milk and honey?
It’s your constant reassurance that I am more than enough.
You’re the calm when the storm clouds are on the horizon.
While the world is hectic – consuming the fast shine of things that won’t matter in the end.
All I desire to consume every bit of love that you have to give to me.
The love you convey every single time.
If only we all give love like we’ve never been hurt by this world.
What is sweeter than milk and honey?
The answer is: LOVE.
But not just any ordinary love.
A love that’s with you.
When the tides of cruelty seek to bring you under into its dark abyss, I am going with you.
Know that you don’t need to keep your heart close to the vest.
You can keep it with me.
I promise to consume it only in love and not selfishness or greed.
What is sweeter than milk or honey for your lips?
My heart and its’ love for you of course.