A Day At The Frosty Freeze Park: Oakland, 1986

A Caravan of Mack trucks
Rumble on top of scarred divots on Hegenberger Road
Escorting in another toxic cloud
The Jerry West emblem is punch drunk:
Hazee’s wiped blood from his nose
And Calvin’s legs got cut from under him.
Frozen meat patties listlessly pop
On a beat-up grill & back in the ‘hood
Shit is jumping off as usual.
But today we pretend to be in Dreamland,
Somewhere else – completely – and play harder.
Lil’ Mack, the corner lookout,
A Coke man’s best friend,
Dances in circles, sometimes singing in rhyme,
Talking about: “Since I lost my bay-bay, I said, Since
I lost my bay-bay, my-bay, my-bay, my-bay, my-bay.”
Sentee, the brown wonder, sits with his back
To the action, speaking his bird love
To pigeons, the tip of his joint
Dangling down like a worn toothpick.
Johnny, who would be riddled with a hailstorm
of bullets two days out, runs over with
chocolate-dipped ice cream cones,
laughing at vanilla dripping down his arm.