Disgusting And Delusional
I knew as soon as my husband sent the link to me it was a mistake. It was an article he told me about on one of our evening walks. Michelle Obama once again has struck a chord of absurdity and hatred, and spouted complaints meant to stir the pot of racism. Unbelievable. Granted, the interview I read about is several weeks old. It is old news, outdated, and buried under all the current events. I didn’t read it until recently because I knew I would be disgusted by the inevitable whining and complaining from someone with more privilege in their little toe than I’ll ever see in a lifetime. My husband told me about some of what she said, but I couldn’t believe it. No one could be that delusional and ungrateful, could they?
Yes, they could. Specifically, yes, Michelle Obama could and was. The article I read is “Check Your Obama Privilege” by Michelle Malkin on GOPUSA.com.
One of her complaints was that even after the conviction of former officer Derek Chauvin in the George Floyd case, she and many others are still afraid. In her interview with Gayle King on CBS, she said: “…many of us still live in fear.” Us? Us who? What “us” is Ms. Obama talking about? Surely, she can’t mean the millions of salt-of-the-earth types of everyday people. What would Michelle Obama know about having to go to work in the city every day without any security guards to protect you? What would the former FLOTUS know about having to work two jobs and still not make ends meet? What would Michelle Obama know about how regular people have to go to work no matter what riots or chaos is happening? No, madame, “us” is not a statement you should be making. You are not walking the walk, so don’t talk the talk.
Michelle Obama also whined that going to the grocery store and walking the dogs causes her to be afraid. Seriously? You have your own personal Secret Service protection. Here’s the double insult: She thinks she can relate to us, but she can’t. She and her husband make allegedly $70 million to $135 million. The Secret Service protection is not paid for out of her own deep pockets. They are paid for by people like you and me and millions across this country who work two jobs just to make ends meet. Isn’t it time for the multimillionaire to pay for her own amenities?
Michelle Obama also is concerned about her daughters’ driving. She is afraid that someone will look at the backs of their heads and make “assumptions” about them. The only reason people are staring is because of the security detail they have. People are craning their necks to see what celebrity just drove by. She laments that in order for her girls to go over to a friend’s house, special arrangements and security sweeps have to be made. She sighs over the fact that her girls’ first kiss will be under the watchful eye of men with guns.
Good grief, get a grip, woman. I doubt anyone will make “assumptions” (what Michelle Obama means by that is unclear) about Malia and Sasha Obama. And even if “assumptions” are made, the girls are protected by the Secret Service who, don’t forget, are paid for by taxpayers like you and me. Michelle, calm down. Your children are safer than mine ever will be.
So, Michelle, don’t whine about “systemic racism” to us. Don’t throw “white privilege” around like you know what you are talking about. You are delusional if you think you can relate to the middle class and under in the country. You know, the ones who help give you your protection and paycheck? You have no idea what it is to eke out an existence, struggle to pay for education, feed your family, and pray for your children to stay safe when they are out. You disgust me with your complaining and whining. You are out of touch with reality as you moan and groan from your ivory tower. Michelle, you are privileged, you are filthy rich, and you are protected.
What you are not is grateful for your extraordinary resources and provisions. Get rid of your entitlement and attitude, and acknowledge the fact that you are blessed beyond what you deserve. Ingratitude is like an ugly hat. It always catches the eye and leaves people feeling offended.
Photo courtesy of Adrian Swancar from Unsplash