Happy Halloween With One Last Arizona Haunt

Halloween is only three days away, which makes me sad (sniff … sniff), but it also made me think. What could I write to sum up the scary fest from the last 4 weeks?
We had scary locations, myths and legends, and even creepy monsters. So, what would be a good finish to end Halloween month?
Then it hit me. I wrote about the mythical and scary possibilities of said creepy locations. So, what a way to end this haunted fest than an article about a very haunted store in Arizona, where I’ve had the honor to work and have had personal experiences.
It’s a store that has been investigated by paranormal professionals and houses some of the best psychic readers in the state.
So I am ending this year’s scary fest with an article about The Astrology Store located in Old Town Glendale, AZ.
A perfect ending to the scary Halloween fest.
The Astrology Store opened in Old Town Glendale, AZ over fifteen years ago and is owned and operated by Dave Campbell and Ray Watkins. Two of the best people I have ever had the pleasure to know and work with.
It is a metaphysical bookstore with tons of books on various subjects, gift shirts, statues, crystals, and jewelry.
They also have psychic readers, massage therapists, and offer classes in Tarot, Astrology, palm reading, and aura pictures.
Dave Campbell, himself is a psychic-medium, Astrologer, and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (C.Ht.), and a Legally ordained minister, as well as author. Dave is a member of the Arizona Society of Astrologers (ASA), see the link above. Dave is also a professional member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PMAFA), in Tempe, Arizona. Dave was a research medium at the University of Arizona, VERITAS program, and is now a certified research medium, Level 4, with the Windbridge Institute.
He also sponsors group Medium Night once a month, and that might be the catalyst for all of the visitors both human and spirit, who visit the store.
I wouldn’t say the store is haunted as much as I would say the store is visited a lot. It’s an older building, so it has a lot of history, then you have Medium Night when people come hoping to speak with loved ones that have crossed over.
It isn’t surprising that the store gets crowded sometimes with both the living and the dead.
I had the honor of working there as a reader and I’ve had my experiences, too. What is nice about the store? You never knew when something would happen, but it wasn’t scary when it did, as they weren’t bad spirits. They were just visiting.
I primarily worked on Sundays, and, one Sunday, I got there early before the store opened. Ray Watkins asked if I would keep an eye on the sales floor while he did errands. I said no problem.
I wandered around the store keeping an eye on the entrance when a loud noise above my head caught my attention. It sounded as if someone was dragging something very heavy from one side of the roof to the other. Ray had mentioned that they were having problems with the AC up there. It had broken down, so I figured they were installing a new one.
When Ray came back into the store, I asked if he had got the new AC up and running. He looked at me in surprise and said he hadn’t even been up on the roof and wanted to know why I asked.
I told him about hearing the dragging, and now he was curious so he went up to the roof to investigate.
Nothing. He said others have reported hearing things being dragged up there and was sorry he missed it.
I taught Tarot on Monday evenings, and several times during the course of the 10-week class, I would be interrupted by conversations going on in the hallway outside our class.
We all stopped talking so we could hear better, and sure enough, you could hear a conversation outside the door. We would all look at each other in various degrees of awe and a little fear of course.
We would go investigate, but we were the only ones in the building.
Another Sunday, I arrived at the store early, as I love to look at all the things I would spend my money on if I had enough money to spend.
I was walking through the book aisles and I heard Dave call my name and ask me a question. I came out of the book aisles to answer, but I was the only one in the front of the store. Dave was in the back office and hadn’t said anything to me.
The night before Medium Night, the security cameras caught books being pulled off shelves in the store.
The Astrology Store is a great store operated by two wonderful gentlemen who live in harmony with their many invisible guests.
If you get the time, drive to Old Town Glendale, AZ and stop in and visit the store. You might see more than you expected.
Even you don’t see any spooks? You will love the atmosphere of the store and the friendliness of the people that work there.
Well, that’s all for this month kiddies. Can’t believe All Hallow’s Eve is already upon us.
Have fun with the trick or treating and keep a wary eye out for the creepies and wee beasties that are roaming the streets.
Happy Halloween.