You Want To Be A Tarot Reader, But What Deck To Choose?

One of the biggest choices a Tarot Reader has to make is what deck do I choose?
There are hundreds of decks to choose from on the market, and when I was trying to decide – I was worried I would make the wrong choice.
A reader will be working with the deck of their choice for months, maybe years depending on how many readings they do. So, it’s very important to have the right deck.
I have heard many myths about choosing decks. One cannot choose their own deck. One has to have a deck gifted to them. I’m not sure how that myth came about, but every deck that has been gifted to me? They have found their new homes, by being gifted to someone else.
I finally found my deck with the Witches Deck. Makes sense as I am a Celtic Witch. The symbology of the images resonated with me, and I could see the messages in those images.
The most important thing is to choose the deck that talks to you. The way it was for me choosing a deck and everyone else is different. How I found my deck from the other decks was how the Witches Deck affected me.
Looking at the other decks was like looking at a deck of cards with pictures, whereas the Witches Deck? I saw images in my head with words forming. The deck actually spoke to me.
So, choose the deck that speaks to you whether that language is in words or images.
There are also plenty of books out there on the market on how to read Tarot. Now the thing is that all of these books are written by people who were beginners just like we were at one time.
The books are their journey into the world of Tarot, and how they discovered the language of the cards. They are tools to help a novice navigate their own path into Tarot reading.
They are not meant to be the bibles of Tarot. You will learn the language of your deck the more you work with it, but read the books to help guide you in understanding your deck’s language.
Those books will give you key works for each of the cards. Those keywords will help you decipher what that card is trying to tell you.
Example: I pulled the three of swords in reading when the client was asking about her health. If you look up the literal meaning of the card – it means loss, sorrow, heartbreak.
How does that relate to your health? The picture is three swords stabbed through a heart.
The element associated with swords is air, which is thoughts, communications, and ideas. So, what would you think about adding all of that together when learning about health.
I got the idea that maybe it was about her heart. I asked if she was having heart problems, and the answer was yes. That was why she was asking. She had just learned that she had congenital heart failure and wanted to know how her health was going to be.
So, when reading the books to get a better understanding of your cards, do not take the definition literally. Take the key works and decipher the language of each card, understanding those definitions are just guidelines.
To truly understand your deck? You have to practice with your deck. Do practice readings as often as you can and you will eventually understand your deck’s language.
If you haven’t found the right deck yet to use? There are a couple of good beginner’s decks that are great to work with.
The Ryder Waite deck and the Robinwood deck. Either is great decks to learn on until your deck makes its appearance.
Trust me, your deck is out there and it will find its way to you. Meanwhile, practice on the two decks above and learn the language of the Tarot.
Oh. One last thing? Everyone can read and understand Tarot. Some readers are intuitive. Others see movies in their head. Others see words.
The point is that no one psychic is the same, but everyone is psychic, and everyone can learn Tarot.
So, choose your deck and have fun learning.
I like to read Tarot Cards, too. Just a novice but enjoy it just the same.