Scary Fest Continues With Haunted Tucson
Have I said yet that I love horror, scary, and the supernatural? Bruhahaha. Okay, that was a weak attempt, but I’m only on my first cup of coffee. I need at least two to be scary.
This week I’m taking you to a few of the most haunted places in my own stomping ground of Tucson, Arizona.
I have to admit, I hadn’t realized just how haunted Tucson is, and I have to admit I have yet to check these places out, but now I’m totally hyped to do a little ghost hunting of my own.
I listed five (5) of the most interesting locations, so without further delay here they are:

Photo by Ross Griff via Flickr
1. Hotel Congress
Hotel Congress was established in 1919 and has quite a reputation of being the hotel of choice for spirits. You have the man who has been seen by passerbys staring out of the second story window. The maid who is always cleaning, and a man with a top hat who struts around the lobby.
Oh, and if you do decide to check in, to get a feel for the place and maybe do some ghost hunting? Make sure you are getting your key from a real desk clerk. Apparently, a spirit there likes to pretend she’s the desk clerk.

Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash
2. Santa Cruz River – La Llorona
This is a universal story like the Skin Walkers. This is a favorite among Mexican cultures. The story goes that if you walk along Santa Cruz River at night, when the moon is full, you might run into the crying woman. She isn’t dangerous. The legend goes she is condemned to walk the earth searching for the children she drowned to spite her unfaithful husband. She will not be allowed into heaven until she finds them all. So, she walks the Santa Cruz River and up to the South Stone Avenue crying because she can’t find them.

Photo by Gillphoto via Wikicommons
3. Cathedral of Saint Augustine
Home of the faceless nun who haunts the cathedral. No one knows why she is faceless or why she is haunting the cathedral. She definitely adds to the tourism as everyone who goes to visit wants to get a glimpse of the faceless nun. If you are one of those curious tourists? Check out the courtyard. I hear she likes to do a little levitating out there.

Photo by Ammodramus via Wikimedia Commons
4. Santa Cruz Cathedral
The rumor is that a priest from this cathedral was out taking a nightly stroll downtown. It was a beautiful night to be out and about, and as the priest is taking in the gorgeous Tucson night? He notices he is being followed by a large dog.
The dog didn’t seem to be aggressive or anything. So, he continued his stroll eventually meandering back to the cathedral. The dog following him the entire time. The priest, still unconcerned, walked up to the doors of the cathedral and then decided to look back at the dog as his hand grasped the handle to pull open the door.
Except it wasn’t a dog. It was a huge beastly thing with horns and hooves complete with glowing red eyes. The thing disappeared when the door to the cathedral opened. Guess he didn’t want to go to church.
So, you might want to keep a better eye on your stalker especially at night strolling downtown Tucson.
Last, but not least for this week kiddies we have:

Photo by Nico Jacobs on Unsplash
5. 22nd Street Antique Mall
So, you aren’t into the scary and spooky stuff and you think you will just do a nice little bit of shopping instead. Great idea! Tucson has some of the best places to go shopping at.
I would just warn you though, not to go shopping at the 22nd Street Antique Mall, as you might get a little bit more than you bargained for.
The Antique Mall is notoriously haunted. From phantom typewriters typing to the volume on a radio going up and down on its own. It even hosts a mischievous male spirit who apparently likes to appear out of nowhere to scare the customers. He then smiles at their fright and disappears.
Another naughty spirit likes to make sounds in the back of the mall where it sounds like things are crashing and breaking. Basically, all hell breaking loose, but when the employees go check? Nothing. All is as it should be.
So, anyone want to go ghost hunting with me here in Tucson? Or stroll downtown enjoying the cool evenings or maybe even walk by the Santa Cruz river?
I’m game if you are.
Well, that’s it for this week. Tune in next week, same time, same channel for some more Haunted myths and legends of Arizona.