Infected: Chapter 6

Hadera took her time from getting off the bus. She knew she was extremely late for work, but from what everything she was experiencing as of late, she didn’t care at this point about being tardy.
What she experienced at the train station was haunting her mind. Those haunting dead eyes and those rabid dogs that were about to attack her made her heart quicken again. It was hard for her to concentrate as she thought about the lucid image, but she continued to walk down the street while keeping her gaze to the floor.
She finally made it to the corner of the street to where her office building was. Just as she was about to head up the building, she saw a crowd full of people and emergency lights at the end of the other side of the street. She could hear the police officers yelling at people to step back away from the scene they were witnessing. Hadera let curiosity get the best of her, and she decided to walk towards where the commotion was.
Just as she passed part of the large crowd, she saw a glimpse of a body covered by a white sheet. Two police officers were trying to get people as far back as possible from the scene. As she got closer, she noticed a brown messenger bag that was near the body. There was blood all over the pavement surrounding the body.
After taking a closer look, Hadera’s heart felt like it fell to her stomach. She knew exactly who this bag belonged to. She pushed her way past the crowded people and stood in front of the caution tape that the police put up around the perimeter.
“Step back, miss,” a tall police officer said in a harsh voice.
“Sir, I have to get through,” Hadera said in one breath.
“Ma’am, no one can get through past this point, you need to find another route- “
“Sir, I know who that bag belongs to.” Hadera almost choked on her words as she tried to suppress the lump that formed in her throat. The police officer gave her a perplexed look.
“The bag belongs to Dr. Branden.”