Influential Yellow Journalism

A jaw-dropping headline published by a satirical website did an effective job fooling the public and drawing new readers. The article names the Vatican, but as stated in the site’s disclaimer, the writer used made-up names for individuals they either quote or misquote.
The article claims things a Catholic Cardinal may or may not have said. The problem with this type of influential yellow-journalism is the contextual implication and potential impact it leaves on the minds of readers. In short, the writer claims the Cardinal accused the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of lying.
According to an article published by the Pew Research Foundation, “the creation and spread of made-up news and information is causing significant harm to the nation and needs to be stopped.” The research surveyed 6,127 U.S. adults and was conducted between Feb. 19 and March 4, 2019, on the Center’s American Trends Panel.
What is Satan up to this time? Nothing new. He’s still using people to deceive and mislead the masses. He is manipulating social media users to distribute deceptive but believable lies via internet speed. Satan’s deceptions spread as fast as mass emails. Why? Because he knows mankind needs to believe in something. He also knows there is a growing generation of techies who do not know or believe in Jesus Christ.
The devil uses captivating headlines to entice readers. Like sharp prongs on a grappling hook, Satan flings fake news to snag unsuspecting, unknowledgeable techies. Similar to legitimate media headlines, Satan’s headlines hook. His fake news agenda plants seeds of doubt into the hearts of internet media readers.
Now, it’s no little-known fact the Catholic church influences millions of Christian believers. The question is, however, how much of the article is legitimate and how much is fake? Let’s face it, scandals are nothing new to the Vatican. One can only guess how many undisclosed scandals and skeletons still hang in Vatican closets and remain swept under rugs.
To eliminate the confusion caused by fake news, and for the sakes of anyone new to the Christian faith seeking the truth, here is something you can believe: Christ has not yet returned!
The precedence relative to Christ’s return is the truth! The Apostle Matthew focused great attention to detail. In verse three of his twenty-fourth chapter, according to the Amplified Bible, the disciples asked Jesus 3 questions: “Tell us, when will this [destruction of the temple] take place, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end (completion, consummation) of the age?”
The first question relates to the destruction of the Jewish temple. Technically, the Jewish Temple was destroyed by the Roman army 70 years after the death of Christ. However, symbolically and metaphorically, Roman soldiers crucified Jesus’s body on the Cross 70 years before destroying the brick and mortar Temple. From a spiritual perspective, the first sign of Christ’s return is the Resurrection. How? His words recorded in John 2:19: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
The second and third question combined relate to the signs of Christ’s return and the end of the age or the world. In His reply, Jesus told the disciples specific details of what the church should expect to see and experience in verses 7-13. Read and know what Jesus is saying to the world and avoid falling for Satan’s deceptions.
Verse 14 is how we can be certain Christ Jesus has not yet returned: “This good news of the kingdom [the gospel] will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end [of the age] will come.” Is your church pastor preaching this? Is the Vatican influencing the Catholic faith with this Kingdom Gospel truth?
If your church pastor or Pope is not leading you to know and understand Matthew 24:29-31, don’t hesitate to read it to your children and for yourself. The Holy Bible is meant for all mankind to know and understand the Living God. The choice is yours. Choose the light of knowledge and be aware of biblical truth or choose to remain in the darkness of ignorance, unaware.
During these last days and up to this date, the stars, sun, and the moon continue to obey God’s commands. The heavenly powers continue to operate as usual. No man, woman, or child, including the Vatican government, has seen the Righteous Son of Man in the sky coming on the clouds with great power and glory. Trumpet blasts have not yet resounded around the world. There are no mainstream news reports of sudden mass vanishings from the human race.
If these events had already taken place, why does the Vatican government retain religious power? And why do Catholic believers continue to see the Pope as God’s representative on Earth?
DONT BE FOOLED! Guard your eyes and ears with due diligence. Satan relies on airwaves, television-waves, electronic-waves, social media platforms, and word of mouth followers to promote and spread his false teachings. All he needs is for two or more worldly influencers to agree his fake news is real. When they do, Satan’s lies become acceptable hearsay.
As the final authority, I leave you with the words of Christ: “Be careful that no one misleads you [deceiving you and leading you into error]. For many will come in My name [misusing it, and appropriating the strength of the name which belongs to Me], saying, ‘I am the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed),’ and they will mislead many. 6 You will continually hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end [of the age]” (Matthew 24:4-6).