Mental Health Hacks

Life has been messy for the past month. Getting lost in a story is one of the best ways to cope with the universe’s stressors. It’s an excellent way to take a break. Characters’ problems are a wonderful break from personal issues. The book ends eventually, and the real world is waiting. Here are a few tools that may help when things seem impossible. They can be found on YouTube.
Breathing Exercises
A common fact is breathing helps counteract anxiety and stress. A trick for when a device is not available to find an exercise is to trace a hand with a finger from the other hand. Start with the bottom of the pinky, and inhale while tracing to the top of the finger. Hold the breath, and then exhale while completing other side of the finger. Repeat the process for both hands as necessary. People see someone tracing their hands. This is a better alternative than a mental breakdown during the commute home.
Exercise can help alleviate common issues such as anxiety, depression, and has been known to decrease the chances of dementia. A person does not need to have the body proportions of the original Barbie. Everyone can’t be a size zero, but moving the body in some way daily is important.
Start small or with a fun activity that involves movement. YouTube and Pinterest have a variety of seated workouts. Stay active watching the latest streaming binge by adding a couch workout between episodes. Read a chapter and complete a set, or take a walk. Type seated or couch workout in the search bar of any browser and try out some of the results. Combat the accusations of sitting on the couch for hours. Fitness doesn’t mean running marathons, or lifting weights. Look for something that is fun. Pay attention to creators ,and find the best way to be more mobile.
Bilateral Stimulation
Bilateral Stimulation involves stimulating both sides of the brain to quiet the mind. There are several different playlists available on apps like Spotify, Calm, Headspace, and Balance to name a few.
The only downside is headphones are essential to get the full benefit. The sound bounces between both ears and calms the mind. There are Bilateral stimulation versions of popular songs such as “A Thousand Years,” by Christina Perri. Another popular version on social media is “I Get to Love You” by Ruelle.
Existing is stressful, and escaping to a favorite fantasy world for days isn’t always feasible. Breathing exercises , exercise, and Bilateral Stimulation are a few accessible tools that may help make existence easier. Find the method to end personal madness.
Editor: Claudia Cramer