National Blueberry Month

Who doesn’t love blueberries!! Blueberries not only are a quick, sweet treat but they also have great health benefits. It is no wonder that an entire month is dedicated to them. The month of July is considered National Blueberry Month in America. The United States of America is responsible for producing 90% of the worlds blueberry supply. In May of 1999 the Department of Agricultural in the United States deemed July the month of the blueberry.

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congerdesign /Pixabay
A fun fact about blueberries is that the Native Americans introduced this tasty treat to the Pilgrims. The Native Americans not only ate this fruit but they also used it as a medication to treat various issues. The color of the blueberry has a lot to do with the health benefits it provides. The deep bluish, purple color is due to anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are the pigments that give food its color. They are a type of flavonoid that help the human body by offering anti inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-viral benefits. They also work to provide antioxidant effects. This type of flavonoid can help the body to ward off certain health issues.
Anthocyanins have been proven to help with conditions such as obesity, heart health, and cancer. Blueberries have been shown to improve cholesterol levels, prevent high blood pressure and balance blood sugar levels, all of which is very important for maintaining a healthy heart. These little gems are also good for maintaining a healthy bladder. Anthocyanins can also help in the prevention of breast cancer and also inhibit obesity. But that’s not all!!! Blueberries are also good for your eyes and they even prevent varicose veins!! The benefits of this “super” food don’t stop there! Blueberries are also good for your brain. Some research has shown that they can improve learning and retaining information as well as memory. Another positive of this fruit is that it helps to promote better digestion. They increase the good bacteria in your stomach, just like a probiotic does.

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Comfreak /Pixabay
Blueberries are also very low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. Some of these vitamins and minerals include magnesium, iron, potassium, and manganese. Blueberries are easy to find all year. Grocery stores and farmers markets always have these delicious berries. In addition to all of the other benefits, there are so many different blueberry recipes out there you can try.

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You can’t go wrong when choosing blueberries. There are so many benefits to eating this amazing fruit! Celebrate National Blueberry Month by grabbing some blueberries!