Sally: Part Four

Desire and indignation resonated through Mr. Irwin when Sally stopped to look at the teapot. He glanced away and focused on restocking shelves. The demonic raucousness of his inner voice made him cringe.
“Feed your darkest desires!” The voice demanded.
“No! I won’t give in. She is too innocent,” Mr. Irwin argued.
“Morgan was too…” the voice snickered. “They still have no clue what happened. Let’s play another round!”
Mr. Irwin took a deep breath and looked at Sally.
“Just look at her beautiful fiery hair and those freckles….. You know you love redheads! Just go talk to her.”
“Fine!” Mr. Irwin barked and walked to the door.
The heart of desire boiled his blood as he got a closer look.
“I told ya she looked irresistible… Talk, you fool!”
“I bet you like having tea parties.”
“Oh. I was just admiring the design of it,” Sally responded.
“Oh, what a brilliant start. Didn’t sound obvious at all.”
“I always have interesting things in here. I sell antiques and local food items,” Mr. Irwin said with a crooked smile. “I just set out samples of Ms. Nelly’s homemade chocolate ice cream. Lemme get you one.”
“Oh… I’m good… I have to meet up with my mom anyway,” Sally replied as she started walking away.
“Do something, idiot! The ice cream… get the ice cream!” the voice screamed.
Mr. Irwin gripped the door frame hard. His ears rang like bells.
“Nonsense! A little pretty thing like you should always get free sweets.” Mr. Irwin chuckled and held up his finger. “Wait here a second.”
“Finally! Make your next step fast!”
“I was lucky that nobody found Morgan. I can’t!” Mr. Irwin fussed as he shook his head. “I am not young and strong anymore. ”
“Shhushhh! She will hear you!” the voice answered. “It has been years since we both had some fun. Dust off your favorite toys!”
Mr. Irwin clenched his fists and walked to the back.
“Use the strongest.”
“Already on it,” Mr. Irwin said as he unlocked his case of poisons.
He dropped a few drops of chloroform and nitrous oxide into two sample cups before putting the ice cream in. He stirred each one up well and walked back outside.
“Are you glad now that I convinced you?” the voice chuckled.
“Here you are.” He smiled and handed her the sample cups. “One extra because you are extraordinary.”
“Thanks. I better get going. Bye,” Sally said.
“You’re welcome, Darling.”
“Won’t be long now… Give Sally my best.”