• Dextrose Bag on IV Stand

    A rhythmic beeping permeated the darkness. A warmth squeezed somewhere at something. Then, there was light. An impulse twitched and flicked my soon to be recognized eyelids. In my periphery, a soft blue blur came into focus. It draped over an arm – my arm. My tremoring vision followed my left arm to the source ...
  • Dextrose Bag on IV Stand

    Who’s Michael? Devoid of perception, I am falling. I am aware of nothingness. Neither asleep nor awake, the existence of time suggests I’m alive. A crooning infiltrates my perception. “My son is back.” A tachycardia alarm shakes me as nausea changes gravity’s directions in the nightmare half-sleep. Swirling, tossing darkness stretches between seconds and eternity. ...