12 Signs You’re Indecisive AF

Either you can’t make decisions, or you know someone who can’t. Ever. It’s like we’re programmed to constantly say “I don’t know” to any question. And you poor, poor souls that have to put up with us, bless your heart. Please know we don’t mean to be a pain in the ass, we just really, seriously can’t make up our mind. If you knew the internal turmoil a decision creates within us, you’d be nicer. Or at least buy us chocolate.
You might be indecisive if you relate to any of these twelve signs:
1. You agonize over seemingly small decisions
It might be something as small as deciding what to wear or what to watch on Netflix, but the choices seem endless, and it ends up taking you more time to decide than it would if you had just watched the first movie or show you saw.
2. Choosing where to eat is next to impossible
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The fight-inducing question of “Where do you want to eat?” followed up with “I don’t know.”
3. But choosing what to eat once you’re there is worse
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You have to decide what to eat now that you’re there. But what if you choose one thing, but realize once start eating, you want something else? This is when you end up eating half of what your partner/friend/mom/sibling, whoever you’re with really, ordered.
4. Just the idea of making a decision gives you anxiety
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You think we’re joking, but we’re not. How could something small like deciding which nail polish to use give us anxiety? Well, it just does! We are constantly afraid of making the wrong choice.
5. “I don’t care, as long as I don’t have to choose”
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6. But we’re mad when you don’t let us choose
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Woah there, we might be indecisive, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want you to take away the chance for us to decide. We still want the option to not decide, or to make the decision.
7. Overanalyze everything…who me?
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We’re overthinking everything before the decision, during the decision-making process, and after the decision has been made.
8. We take too long to make a decision
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We know, we’re sorry. We’re just really thinking about it.
9. So you ask everyone for advice
You start talking to your friends, your mom, your neighbors, and co-workers what they’d do. You’re appreciative and they’ve been so helpful, you really consider what they all say and think you can finally decide.
10. But you still haven’t decided
This is the part when you consider talking to your closest family and friends again to get their advice on the advice you’ve received for that decision you still need to make.
11. Until you finally do
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Then you find that moment of clarity, the moment of courage and bad-assery, the moment that allows you to say “I got this! I can totally do this!”
12. And regret it
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Remember that overanalyzing bit? Yeah…