Why I Chose To Start Streaming On Twitch.

For those of us with severe anxiety issues, taking steps outside of our comfort zones can be very challenging. This much I can attest to. There have always been struggles in trying to relate to people and share a part of myself with others. I’m not the kind of woman that would go to a party and start talking to people. More than likely, you would find me standing in the corner clinging to myself or the one person I know and not saying anything.
Yet, recently, that has changed. With the suggestion of my wonderful husband I took a step out of my comfort zone and started streaming video game playing via Twitch. A lot of people have heard of Twitch and some even have people that they follow and watch play games on the channel.
It was scary to do this. To allow myself to talk to complete strangers while doing something I enjoy, playing video games. Unlike other people, I am not doing it for the money I can make though that is nice.
With Twitch, you have requirements that you must meet before you can make money. Only those ranked Affiliate or higher can earn cash. Most people spend a while trying to make affiliate but I did it within the first month of me becoming a streamer. I don’t say this to brag. I say it to show that even though I was afraid of trying this, afraid of talking to strangers they have embraced me. It is amazing the communities of people that I have discovered since I decided to take this step.
There are some out there who want to abuse the system, who use communities to get likes or follows so they can make affiliate without caring if they step on anyone in the process but the vast majority of people that I have met invest in the system. They support the small streamers, the people who just want to hang out with a few other wacky individuals and sharing a love for games or crafts or whatever it is.
One day, I hope to get the courage up to share more than my voice with people. Right now, they can hear me, but they cannot see me. This is partly why I’ve been able to keep going. There is less fear that way, less chance of feeling like someone was going to judge me instead of hangout with me.
I joined to try to build confidence in myself by interacting with complete strangers. I found a new way to build myself better, to love myself, and my quirks. I found a way to share a part of me that so few get to see. Maybe, I’ll see you around the next time I go live? Maybe, you’ve got a craft, talent, or game that you like to play, and you’d like to have people hang out with you when you do? Well, Twitch is the place to do that safely.