• beer bottles

    Who could have guessed an unexpected encounter at a local bar in a lighthearted discussion about horoscopes would lead to the sudden disappearance of Maureen McKinsey? Maureen was spunky and outspoken. She established friendships with her sharp humor and winning smile. Born February 29, 1992, she chose not to celebrate her birthday on February 28 ...
  • Halloween Picture

    My heart sinks when I hear the front door lock, followed by the beast’s sinister laugh. I didn’t think beyond grabbing mom before she ran up the stairs, nor did I realize how powerful her emotions were to wake the monster. With my arm still around her waist, I pull her back down the stairs ...
  • Halloween Picture

    The knocking at the front door cut my amusement short, and I’m a little apprehensive. My guard is up as I think of how the house can get its revenge for my taunt.  It surprised me when I opened the door and saw it was my mother. Thoughts swirl through my mind, but the main ...
  • Halloween Picture

    Ramon A harsh raspy voice repeats my name; the house knows I’m here. Does it also comprehend why I’m here? It doesn’t matter; I will investigate when I’m ready and not on its terms. With that thought in mind, I ignore the call upstairs and finish unpacking. There is another bedroom on the ground floor, ...
  • Halloween Picture

    Seeing my unaged brother at Mr. Keith’s house sends me into denial. I know it’s impossible, but my eyes tell me otherwise. My brother stands in the window, staring at me, or is he? I don’t know, but somehow the house is involved. I’m sure of that, and, starting today, I’ll ferret out every secret ...
  • Halloween Picture

    Every morning, Ramon stood in front of Mr. Keith’s House on 16 Baker Street. It looked like all the other houses on Baker street, built in the 1950s with dark green trim. Nothing unusual about it at all, except he never liked it. Ramon felt it watching him from those eye-shaped windows. Sometimes Mr. Keith ...
  • 1158

    ***WARNING: THIS STORY DEALS WITH ADULT CONTENT OF A SEXUAL NATURE*** She was beautiful lying there with a sheen of sweat covering her body. She was still quivering from the force of her last orgasm. The look on her face was pure feeling, and for a moment he wanted to turn away from her. In ...