Tag: behavior
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The Importance Of Self-Care And Forming Positive Habits
At times we may feel as though we are hamsters on a wheel, feeling like we are overwhelmed with work, school or family obligations, etc. It is easy for our minds to become overloaded and neglect self-care. Self-care is vital for optimal mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Much like exercise, self-care is something that needs ... Sticks And Stones
Words may not hurt but actions do you watch what you say; but not what you do. Your performance is perfection go ahead and take a bow your world is a stage; it’s all you have now. Is that all you’ve got? Those sticks and stones Twisted and hard; You’ll end up alone. Sometimes rocks ...Coronavirus Chaos
We can’t control how COVID-19 will act, but we can control how we react. Our behavior during the coronavirus crisis matters. How we deal with each other and our social circles is just as important as how we deal with the virus. Behavior matters. There is a story out there in cyberland about how one ...- CultureLifestyleCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentHealth & WellnessMemoir & Autobiographies
Lovely Gifts
If you are a parent, chances are that you have said something to the effect of: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” It’s a lesson that we learn early in life and try to teach our children as soon as they have the ability to string recognizable ...