Tag: books
Ode To Books
Knowledge and ideas abound within the pages can be found the smell of ink conjuring images in a blink journey to distant lands all within the reach of your hands No need to even get dressed for your imagination will address All within the comfort of your own home you can enter the ancient city ...- MediaLifestyleFictionMemoir & AutobiographiesDesign, Fashion & StyleHome & GardenScience & TechnologyHealth & WellnessEntertainment
Finding My New Dream
I have struggled my whole life to find that one thing I’m more passionate about above all else. Growing up, I wanted to be everything from a teacher to a singer to a lawyer to an astronomer. When I was about 11, I decided I wanted to be a fashion designer, and this is the ... 10 Signs You’re Addicted To Books
Anyone else feel like they need an AA meeting because they are a little (a lot) interested (obsessed) with reading and books? For the about of time, energy, and money spent because of this passion (addiction)? Us book lovers can’t seem to function without reading and can develop a twitch just thinking about the time not ...363 Days Of Reading
I have never been able to keep up with New Year’s resolutions. Ever. Honestly, I don’t know anyone who really has (to my knowledge). So, back in January, when I said I wanted to read every day for the entire year, I didn’t truly expect to do that. In January, I started my first bullet ...Happy Halloween With One Last Arizona Haunt
Halloween is only three days away, which makes me sad (sniff … sniff), but it also made me think. What could I write to sum up the scary fest from the last 4 weeks? We had scary locations, myths and legends, and even creepy monsters. So, what would be a good finish to end Halloween ...- NonfictionMediaMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenCultureDesign, Fashion & StyleScience & Technology
NaNoWriMo: 7 Tips for Success
Every November, there is a goal-oriented writing event called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Starting on November 1st, participants can go onto the website and keep track of their word count. It keeps track of your progress, shows the average word count you need ... - Design, Fashion & StyleMediaSelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionPoetryEnvironmentMemoir & AutobiographiesHealth & WellnessHome & GardenUncategorizedCooking, Food & Drink
The Library: A Secret Treasure
When most people think of the library they have an outdated version of how libraries used to be. For myself, I remember the card catalogs and research papers in a stuffy space. This is not how libraries are today; they have drastically changed yet still remained somewhat the same. I love my local library and couldn’t ... You Want To Be A Tarot Reader, But What Deck To Choose?
One of the biggest choices a Tarot Reader has to make is what deck do I choose? There are hundreds of decks to choose from on the market, and when I was trying to decide – I was worried I would make the wrong choice. A reader will be working with the deck of their ...#SaveShadowhunters
During the summer of 2009 (I believe), the library in my hometown added on to the building. The library is an old building with several stairs leading up to the doors, so, naturally, I hadn’t been able to go in since I was a young child and my father carried me. As I was finishing ...My First Book Tour
A revolution. A kick-butt female protagonist. A feuding royal family. Betrayal after betrayal. Dystopian YA novels have grown increasingly popular in the last two decades. With books like The Hunger Games and Divergent, this genre has a huge franchise in not only books but movies and merchandise. Fandoms appear seemingly overnight and consume those within. ...