Tag: butterflies
Butterfly Maiden
Ruth stood in the middle of a botanical garden surrounded by eight-foot-high walls of stone. A prism of stunning colors created by ultraviolet and polarized light probed her eye’s ommatidia. Hues of unimaginable beauty ignited her sense of taste. Why—how could sight affect her palate? Something moved or landed on her back. Turning, Ruth realized ...- Home & GardenCultureEntertainmentMediaCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionEnvironmentMemoir & AutobiographiesHealth & Wellness
Do Butterflies Symbolize A Deeper Meaning?
Butterflies are such beautiful creatures, but what does it mean when you see different colors of this creature or even just see them around you in your everyday life? The life cycle of a butterfly in itself is almost magical, and they are so graceful and beautiful. They are the representative of nature in a ...