• A dollhouse lit by a white string of lights

    May-Linda woke up to empty garbage dumpsters being dropped at the waste station at the end of the road. It was Sunday, and trash pickup for the week. She propped herself on her elbows. The smell of dew seeped through the separations in the window frame. Soon, the heat would suck the dewdrops from the ...
  • A dollhouse lit by a white string of lights

    Hazeltina and Gareth went to the dump every Saturday afternoon. They referred to it as “shopping at the mall,” which meant perusing through discarded items on weathered shelves a step away from the dumpster bins. May-Linda had gone with them before but had been embarrassed by their childish glee over an unwanted vacuum cleaner, recipe ...
  • scene of little girl sleeping beneath the moon

    Many people believe that any story that begins with “Once upon a time…” is a fairytale. But, there are truths to these tales and that is so for Avaline and her Star Slippers. Once upon a time, an eccentric woman lived on the mysterious Moon. Her name was Aurora, and she washed her hair in ...