• mountain and moon scene with book cover design

    Book: A Merciful SilenceAuthor: Kendra ElliotPublisher Type: TraditionalGenre: Romantic Suspense, Women SleuthsRating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Heat Meter: 🌶🌶Release Date: June 19, 2018Recommend: Oh yes, a Must Read! A Merciful Silence is the 4th book in the Mercy Kilpatrick series. Elliot’s 1st book in the series is A Merciful Death. The series follows Special Agent Kilpatrick as she bites ...
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    Read all in this series Daniella sat in the large, glassed-in conference room of the FBI headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri. She’d been on the job for almost two weeks. Graduating second in her class, her competitive ego took a hit when Rodriquez passed her up in target practice. Ramon Rodriquez, the cocky, egotistical, pompous ...
  • angelic

    “Of course. This shit would happen to me,” Emilee murmured as she searched through the sand by the burnt debris. “I just wanted a simple life, but here I am.” She found nothing but seashells and a broken beach shovel. Her patience was disappearing faster than daylight. “I don’t even know what color the journal ...