• Red eyed monster

    “Sebastian. Salvador. Enough!” Alejandra’s voice echoes through the house, her frustration palpable. “I swear, you two are brothers and should be each other’s allies, not adversaries.” “Then tell him to stop going into my room without my permission and playing with my stuff.” Sebastian retorts. “Well, if you would stop stealing my things and taking ...
  • bloody hands reaching through darkness

    Will you worship the Creature?
  • yeti

    Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Skunk Ape, and Grass Man are a few names we call this furry humanoid creature. There have been sightings all over the world. Videos have made their way onto Youtube and the internet. Most of the sightings in the states have come out of the Pacific Northwest. What many people don’t know ...
  • Mothman

    There is a lot of documentation on Bigfoot and many sightings reported. I wanted to write about a cryptid not as well-known. So, after my research, I found "Batsquatch."
  • pterodactyl

    Last week’s article was Virginia’s Vampires, which I enjoyed writing. However, I skipped Vermont in the process. So, this week’s article on Vermont’s The Awful is out of sequence in my travel series.  What a name to label a cryptid with; The Awful. Witnesses describe the cryptid as looking similar to a griffin. This legendary creature has ...
  • gnome

    The first time I heard the term “Tommyknocker” was reading Stephen King’s TommyKnockers. The story was about a woman uncovering an alien spacecraft. As the ship was unburied, strange energy began to affect the people of the small town.  So, when I started researching Tennessee’s cryptids and came across the term “TommyKnockers.” My curiosity was piqued. The ...
  • Boo Hag

    It has been an exhausting day, and you are ready for a good night’s sleep. Your tired body sinks into the soft mattress, and you drift into dreamland. However, something wakes you up out of a sound sleep. You jerk upwards. Well, you try to, but you cannot move.  You cannot scream or move, and ...
  • pterodactyl

    I love researching cryptids because the history of these monsters is interesting. Some of the fascinating cryptid stories are from Native American myths and legends. Examples are the Arizona Skinwalker, a Navajo Shaman who murders a close relative to gain shifting powers, or the Algonquian Wendigo, an evil spirit that possesses its victims and turns ...
  • Oregon's Crater Lake Mysteries

    This week is Oregon, and The Pacific Northwest is a hotbed for Bigfoot sightings. Yet, when I started looking for reports, Bigfoot wasn’t the one that appeared the most. Crater Lake showed up a lot more often than any cryptid, including Bigfoot. Crater Lake, like Pyramid lake, is haunted. In fact, Crater Lake is a ...
  • Deer Woman

    I write a weekly article on cryptids – monsters shouldn’t exist but do. The funny thing about these stories is where these stories originate. You wouldn’t think the state I write about would house that particular cryptid.  A case in point is an article I did titled, New York’s Champ. It’s about a Nessie-type monster haunting New ...