Tag: disability
- Memoir & AutobiographiesLifestyleNonfictionCultureCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetry
The Art Of Want
No you will not silence me For I have spoken, all my needs No you will not temper me For I have gifted, you with me No you will not raise a hand For I have answered, no demands Yes you may speak in earnest However, I, will give you permit Yes you may recite ... Finding A ‘Fit
I have always wanted to be active and fit in with my peers. From a young age, my mother planted that seed by signing me up for various activities such as horseback riding, ballet, and sports camp just to name a few. Fitting in is something that is unnecessary, but is something that people do ...Just Like Supergirl
Has the pandemic craziness made you stay in front of the TV screen more than ever before? I have watched shows endlessly, whether it’s just regular cable TV or a streaming station like Netflix. It has made me wonder about certain things, like if I would enjoy living a life like one of my favorite ...Social Media Sounds Off In Response To Dr. Phil Episode About Interabled Relationships
Dr. Phil caused controversy due to an episode of the Doctor Phil Show. It took me some time to articulate my thoughts regarding the episode. At the beginning of the episode, Dr. Phil took a poll from the audience and asked them, “How many people would swipe right on a dating site a person that ...- LifestyleHealth & WellnessUncategorizedCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & Relationships
Marriage Equality Does Not Include Everyone
For me, getting married is something I have always dreamed about. Having a disability has nothing to do with lessening my desire to become a spouse, but my dream of happily ever after may never come true because of the law. It is not that the Social Security Administration (SSA) prohibits a person with a ... Taming The Lion Of Anxiety And Depression
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and as someone who has dealt with anxiety, and depression on and off for most of my life. One of the ways that I can think of to describe it would be a foggy dream sequence that is sometimes seen in the movies where a person is trying their ...The More You Know: A Brief Look Into Personal Care Attendant Services And Medicaid Waivers
From a young age, I began receiving personal care attendant services. A Personal Care Attendant (which can also be referred to as a Personal Care Assistant, or a Personal Care Service Provider) is someone who assists individuals with physical disabilities, cognitive impairments, and other needs related to an individual’s activities of daily living. These tasks ...- Parenting & FamilyHealth & WellnessSelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesLifestyleCultureNonfiction
Dear Cerebral Palsy
Dear Cerebral Palsy, Although you have always been a part of me, I have worked hard to make sure that you did not define me or my choices. At the same time, it has been a very difficult process — a roller coaster that I am still riding. It is funny the memories that stick ... March Is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month: Here Are 31 Facts About CP
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is considered to be a neurological, non-progressive brain injury that is caused while a child’s brain is still developing. It primarily affects body movement and muscle coordination, but it can also affect muscle tone, posture, and balance, as well as gross motor, and fine motor skills (kinds of hand movements, and grasp, ...CP and Me: My Answers To The Cerebral Palsy Tag
March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. Cerebral Palsy (CP) is considered to be a neurological disorder caused by a non-progressive brain injury that is caused while a child’s brain is still developing. It primarily affects body movement and muscle coordination, but it can also affect muscle tone, posture, and balance, as well as gross motor, ...