• gallows-2631544_1280

    I was in the mood to watch an Indie Horror movie and came across A Haunting in Salem. To represent this, I chose an image of gallows by kalhh from Pixabay. The premise of the film is that a sheriff relocates to Salem, Massachusetts, with his family. Meet the Downs family, a typical family composed of husband, wife, son, and ...
  • From Cursive To Curses

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. It is an adaptation of the characters created and owned by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This story is not associated with Disney’s adaptations, their added characters, or story elements. Jacob followed behind the towering woman as she walked towards the twisted castle. Thankfully, the woman had stopped her ...
  • Cat

    Lumberjacks over the years have come up with some crazy tall tales. I wrote an article about one of those tall tales titled “Colorado’s Slide-Rock Bolter.“ Now another lumberjack story called the “Hodag” comes up for Wisconsin. Wisconsin, like Colorado, is known for heavy, dense forests. Forests lumberjacks love to work in and tell tall ...
  • From Cursive To Curses

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. It is an adaptation of the characters created and owned by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This story is not associated with Disney’s adaptations, their added characters, or story elements. The boat came to a stop with a soft crunch. The sand on the dark sanded beach jolted the ...
  • dogman

    There have been Bigfoot sightings from all over the United States. It seems every state has a Bigfoot, which makes sense for the numerous sightings.  What is surprising is there is one cryptid that is reported more times than Bigfoot. This blaring statement came from an online news site, The Vintage News. Timera Media owns ...
  • DoverDemon

    Massachusetts has a history of cryptids running loose in the wooded forests. The most exciting fact is that witnesses reported seeing a couple of these critters for only a short time. Vast dense forests is a trademark of Massachusetts, and Bigfoot loves to hide in them. It’s not unusual for Bigfoot sightings, but there was ...
  • From Cursive To Curses

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. It is an adaptation of the characters created and owned by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This story is not associated with Disney’s adaptations, their added characters, or story elements. The only sound in the cavern was the water sloshing the side of the boat. With every push, the ...
  • Maryland's Snallygaster and Dwayyo

    Stationed at Ft. George G. Maryland in 1979, I never left Maryland after being discharged. I lived there for over twenty years, and I hadn’t heard of any Maryland cryptids. The only one I had heard of was Chessie, named after The Chesapeake Bay. Chessie looks a lot like The Loch Ness monster, AKA Nessie. ...
  • From Cursive To Curses

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. it is an adaptation of the characters created and owned by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This story is not associated with Disney’s adaptations, their added characters, or story elements. The trickle of water sounded closer as they ventured into the cavern. The dark was all-encompassing. It swallowed everything ...
  • From Cursive To Curses

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. It is an adaptation of the characters created and owned by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This story is not associated with Disney’s adaptations, their added characters, or story elements.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The water shimmered a vibrant red. The sun only added color to the liquid that trickled from the stone fountain. Aledia could ...