Tag: focus
Forward , Not Back
Have you ever felt yourself emotionally go backwards? Lately, it seems like everything I have been trying to achieve has been put on pause. This being said I am actively working not to slip into my old version of survival mode. The new strategy is to not let myself say, “I’ll do it later.” Later ...- EntertainmentLifestyleCultureParenting & FamilyMemoir & AutobiographiesEnvironmentHome & GardenHealth & Wellness
Exercise in the Morning Improves Focus All Day
When you leave, do you find yourself searching for where you put your keys? Did you go to the store and forget the one thing you were shopping for? We have all been there. A simple solution to help get your mental clarity back is to get your body moving when you wake up in ... I Never Thought I Would Be A Good Leader
You can accomplish more than you think you can. Growing up as an anxious child and dealing with anxiety in my teen and young adult years, I never thought I would be a good leader. I was always the quiet one in the background that no one noticed, and many times, that’s how I preferred ...