Tag: forgiveness
Your harsh wordsinfiltrate a raw nerve. I howl You cringeand disconnect. I lick a scar on the nerve. Later I soothe that ghost of a nerve,That shred of a nothinginto wholesomeness. I invite you to connect.- Self-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentHome & GardenHealth & WellnessLifestyleNonfictionCultureParenting & Family
Enjoy the Rain
Content Warning: Depression, hopelessness This year I’ve decided to focus on getting back to some version of my most independent self. I started physical therapy again. Plus, I scheduled an appointment to get evaluated for a new electric wheelchair. The bathroom is being renovated to make it more accessible. I’m also waiting for a call ... Emotion Police
What do you do when you have nothing to say? The simple answer is, of course, don’t say anything. I have this issue where I want to cause the least amount of stress for everyone around me. The problem is I can’t do a lot of physical things, so I try to help out wherever ...- NonfictionMediaCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEntertainmentLifestyleCulture
The Story Behind “My Brothers’ Crossing”
The theatrical release of My Brothers’ Crossing, a true example of forgiveness, debuts on September 3, 2020. Forgiveness Day: You Need Learn To Forgive Yourself Before You Can Forgive Anyone Else
Forgiveness Day is observed on June 26th each year. Typically, forgiveness is thought to be an action that you give to someone else — someone who has hurt you or wronged you in some way. However, there is a more empowering form of forgiveness: as a gift you give yourself. While this type of forgiveness ...