• Family holding hands

    Houses sit side by side Car horns and tire screeches mark the busy day Voices of eager sellers’ inflated promises fill the air With my eye, I spy a diligent father intent on working hard to bring home food Through my eye’s corner, I see a caring mom sentinel as her kids migrate a pedestrian ...
  • Darkness

    Beyond the dark Where there is no light The days and nights Are frightfully stark  Where the mind is blind To the buried inner plights And void of any hindsight 
  • Ocean Waves

    Silence escapes my lips.The cold, unfeeling airfrom the world stealingevery bit of breathfrom me. I struggle againstthe waves of sorrow, prayingfor relief andsalvation. The will to survivebeing the onlyreason to liveagainst the raging waves. With no oneto turn to Ihave to keepswimming withall my strength. Silence escapes my lips.The shore now just ahead,past the suffocating ...
  • A quail pen on a paper beside an ink bottle

    Blank papers rustles about by the windDried ink pots are cracked from neglectI suppose there are lines I’m supposed to writeThere are emotions I expect to pour outBut I think I rather bury them deep within So here’s what I plan to do insteadWhy don’t I give you my quail pen?To write down the earnest ...
  • mountain peak in nature landscape

    Oh, dear mankind,those that dwellamong the createdearthly dwelling. Take heart andnever forgetthe struggles that brought you here. You survived theworst amongmany turmoiland tribulations. Gods have destroyed you,Kings have enslaved you,Storms have taken your homes,and even kin have betrayed you. Your blood has been spilledcountless times to breakyour spirit in sorrowand grief-stricken anger. If love endureswithin ...
  • Cosmic Sundial

    The universe is timeless  And the forces of nature Do not hear The Cosmic Sundial  The stars are limitless Nature’s Kingdom Shall remain animated  Our planet is blameless  We are impudent And unrepentant Destiny and shame await 
  • Woman gazing in mirror

    Mirror Mirrorupon my wall.Tell me who willlove me above all. I searched high and lowover and under anyplace.For someone in a crowdwith a kind and gentle face. My prayers answeredwhen I fell into his arms.That keep me warm,and raised no alarms. Mirror mirrorupon my wall.Will he trulylove me above all? To fulfill dreamsof love and ...
  • flower wreath shaped in a circle

    every year dawns newcrisp chills on the wind the flowing of time as we all prepare hopes for a better futuredesire for a brighter worldyet, so quickly forgottenthe promises made to oneself every year, we act anewbut the same old tragedies bring us downwe tell ourselvesjust hold on another year longer instead of viewing it ...
  • A bus with luggage on top

    The sound of jingling bells drifts away The fading glitter of fireworks bid farewell My grandma’s cologne warm scent lingers on the couch Signaling the Holiday season is over If I were given a genie with three wishes I’d trap these precious moments forever Freezing the smiles on my family’s faces and snuggle eternally in ...
  • Girl embracing a teddy bear

    In the calmand quietI see you. You call my namebeckoning meto be in your arms. Underneath the moon,the stars and galaxiesyou call upon me. “Trust me”you say withreassurance. How can I?When the gaping holewithin me grows. Left there bybetrayal after betrayalnever fully healing. I am a scaredwounded childdesiring a reprieve. “Trust me”you say withsincerity. As ...