Tag: God
I’m swept awayIn the swelteringStorm, you pulledMe into. I became yourLoyal companionSunlit days,Midnight hours. All it tookWas one glanceToward my path,My fate was sealed. Are you a hero?Are you a villain?I cannot discernOne from the other. To ask me thatWould compareTo ask God aboutHeaven and hell. Why is thereGood and evil?Is our days pureHappenstance? I ...Seeing The Path
The flower was crumbling moment by moment. My wrinkles got deeper year after year, And yet, my husband saw nothing but beauty. My child missed the target again and again, Despair crawled up her face. All I saw was her determination to succeed. God showed me a torn, corrupted world full of anguish and despair. ...How To Follow God’s True Desire for Marriage
Marriage is a sacred bond between two people. A relationship desired by God and meant to be held as infinitely important. As God desires us to be in an intimate relationship with Him, our personal relationships also need to adhere to certain standards. When the high standards of the most holy are not met, we ...- Self-Help & RelationshipsHome & GardenCooking, Food & DrinkHealth & WellnessCultureParenting & Family
Living The Abundant Life
The parable Jesus taught in the tenth chapter of John is an amazing eye-opener! Jesus referred to Himself as a “portal”(v.3) and “the door” (v.9). He is how we believers reach and enter into the Holy presence of Yahweh (God). Jesus is the only highway or passageway or pathway to Heaven. Believers need to follow ... Complacency Interferes With God’s Purpose
Complacency leads to dissatisfaction. It agitates the giant inside us causing us to crave a better quality of life. Take yearly resolutions for example. The first few weeks focus on energy, drive, and determination. With the giant, we self-motivate, keep going, doing, and strive to build our ambitions. Working with the giant generates new ideas, ...