• Blurred led lights that read "Merry Christmas"

    The life I left behind was the beginning of a world anew, filled with excitement and possibilities, far from any violence not born within me. After hours of riding at night, I arrived in the big city in the morning. Everything looked like it came out of a movie: lots of stores, fancy cars, and ...
  • Blurred led lights that read "Merry Christmas"

    The flow of memories brought me back to my childhood. We lived in a small town near the state’s capital, and our community was like all other small ones in our country: embrace tradition, go to church, and avoid sin. My mother, Susan, was a beautiful, fair-skinned blond woman. She was suspicious about me being ...
  • Pine tree branches strung with gold beads and glass ornaments lit by white lights.

    The countdown to Christmas was on, and nothing about Lacey felt festive. New York City shined bright in colorful lights and decor. After eight hours at the bar, it was the last sight she wanted to see. Each store she passed on the walk home was bustling with tourists and locals alike. The excitement for ...
  • Blurred led lights that read "Merry Christmas"

    “Ugh…” My ears buzzed, louder and louder. A headache joined it and amplified the pain tingling through my body. My neck, arms, back, and legs all ached. Pain pulsed through me. That was good, though. Pain brought me closer to reality. I tried to move, but that made everything hurt more. I growled with discomfort, ...
  • woman's hand dipping chip into dip

    This dip is one of my grandma’s recipes. She would make it for large parties or family gatherings. Recently, I made it twice for the holidays, and both times, I had no leftovers. This means it’s a good enough dish to share! It’s a fairly easy recipe and is a no-cook appetizer. I am not ...
  • A bus with luggage on top

    The sound of jingling bells drifts away The fading glitter of fireworks bid farewell My grandma’s cologne warm scent lingers on the couch Signaling the Holiday season is over If I were given a genie with three wishes I’d trap these precious moments forever Freezing the smiles on my family’s faces and snuggle eternally in ...
  • pecan pie

    They’re the first things I see on the table, and I have to do a check to make sure I’m not seeing things. People are talking around me, but it all gets drowned out. I didn’t know anyone else ever made these. My eyes begin to well with tears I didn’t know I still had. How could ...
  • Mouse in Christmas Box

    My paws prance upon the hardwood floor. I look around the silent living room, and my nose directs me to a small table where the corpses of half-eaten gingerbread men lie alongside a glass of cold milk. I take nibbles of each spiced cookie so that their bodies don’t go to waste. But, I avoid ...
  • Photograph of a gingerbread house

    Louise tossed on her bed and turned onto her back. She twisted a blond curl splayed out on the pillow. The lights strung on the bushes outside her window took turns glowing red and green on her ceiling. In the predawn hours, Louise rose and pulled on a flannel shirt and jeans. She slid on ...
  • december relaxing

    days start to feel longerexcitement slowly buildingChristmas holidays lurk on the horizonenjoying the sharing of joymaking families happy bearing gifts and loveearning smiles each timerepeating every year