Tag: identity
Why We Need to Encourage Emerging Identity Over Mass Conformity
Motherhood keeps me on my toes. As soon as I have it “all figured out”, here comes another curve ball to keep me guessing. My current dilemma, how to encourage the emerging identity of my growing children. As the mom of a teenager, I am in the weeds watching my maturing child figure out who ...The Beige Woman
The Beige Woman, a color poem, is Adriana Philips' personal tale of living as a mixed-race woman. Can you love yourself in your own skin?The Vacant House
There is an old cigar shop on the edge of Cedar Hill Park with boarded windows and doors on the side near the crest. The passersby complain about the eyesore, though the house is unsure of how they or it know about the old cigar shop without signage. Inside the house, the people’s furniture and ...A Reader’s Reflection
The past few weeks I have been watching the world and reacting in the best way that I know possible. I have watched numerous people lose their jobs and careers over ignorant comments. I have cried over the stress of important heated discussions and only started addressing the gaps in my education. Then underneath the ...Waking Up: Identity – Part 7
Read Parts 1-6 Chaos and cacophony. “Dee? Are you okay?” Eddie’s voice penetrates the solipsism. “Dee!” My eyes flicker open to Eddie holding the detached call bell in his left hand, his mouth gaping and face pale. His chest rises and falls through his scrubs. “I’m alive,” I fumble. “Who did this? The night nurse ...We All Go To Bed Human
I have been thinking about change. I used to say all of the time when I was younger that I would move to London when I was older. My future career was a doctor who was a consultant for the police department. Now, about twenty-three years later, I still live in the United States. I ...